Essential After-Death Checklist – Guidance from Funeral Directors Campbelltown

To lose someone we love is one of the most difficult things in life, especially for children. Therefore, it is important for us as caregivers to understand some of the ways and means that children grieve and how we can support them to help them through this process. At Jeffrey Bros Funeral Service, we understand that children have different ways of coping with their emotions, and therefore, they should be given the right tools and support during this period. 1.Understanding Children's Grief Children's grief is unique. Depending on their age and emotional development, children may experience and express grief in different ways. Young children are not capable of understanding things like death and might not even know how to show it. If the child is older, he or she will experience other complex feelings like confusion, anger or even remorse. The important part is to remember that grieving is a process every child goes through, and it is important not to rush them. 2.The role of ...